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Tugas Kuliah Makalah Bahasa Inggris Vigilant Paper of Wrapping Food

Makalah Bahasa Inggris

Kelas              : Pendidikan Matematika C 2015
Program Studi : Pendidikan Matematika
Fakultas          : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Vigilant Paper of Wrapping Food

In everyday life we often see and find the use of paper as a packaging food that is considered only as a wrapper and protective. But not all paper is safe for food packed. It's important for us to know the good and bad use of wrapping paper as a form of vigilant  to maintain health.

The simplest and oldest packaging is paper, which is made from the wood bark  of which is processed by the Chinese on the 1st or 2nd century BC. Paper food packaging has advantages such as: lightweight, relatively inexpensive and efficient place. While weakness is easily torn and burnt, can not pack liquid and can not be heated. Even paper wrapping material is not the strongest, but its use still persist today.

The paper most widely used for wrapping food from fried foods to foods that require prolonged storage such as tea bags, etc. On materials raw food paper are also used to wrap vegetables, dried fish and even herbs and so on. The types of packaging paper circulating in Indonesia such as waste paper, wrappers paper rice brown colour, carton duplex, as well as carton food grade.

Muhammad Adjidarmo, paper industry observers, confirms the danger use of paper non food packaging. "Waste paper including newspapers and magazines should not be used to wrap food directly because of the ink contained in newspapers and magazines  have will soluble and many contain lead (Pb) which is very harmful to health if it accumulates in the body may be at risk of harm to health," he said.

In the human body, lead entering through the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal into the circulatory system and then spread to other tissues, such as kidney, liver, brain, nerves and bones. The danger posed of lead (Pb) to the health is this cardiovascular diseases related to heart and blood vessels, mentally retarded, anemia, decreased kidney function.

Poisoning of lead (Pb)  is characterized by symptoms 3 P, namely pallor, pain and paralysis. Poisoning that occurs can be chronic and acute. Examples of cases of poisoning Pb (lead):
1)     In a study of pregnant women who accumulate a lot of lead, can lead to  congenital defects in the fetus and damage the brain so that the child's intelligence is low.
2)     In the adult male,  induce to lower sperm quality, making it difficult to have offspring (barren).
3)     And in children, lead resulted in a decrease in the concentration of power and intelligence.

Migration trigger  will easier the migration of lead to food is a material that is hot, greasy, Type of foodstuffs, concentration, contact time, and the surface area of the paper.
Besides Muhammad Adjidarmo also said the wrappers paper rice brown colour and carton duplex is a type of food packaging primer made of paper  most commonly used as packaging that has been contaminated of contains are printing inks, adhesives, waxes, dyes, and chemicals other.

The use of waste paper, wrappers paper rice brown colour and carton duplex  is more widely used because they were cheaper and the lack of knowledge and awareness of side effects will happen.   method to minimize the danger of the use of paper for packaging food is using a plate or a clean glass bowl.

Food of packaging  of safe is a carton paper-based "food grade". Food of packaging category "food grade" safe and fit for use because as a 100 percent made of natural fibers so that the pure white color, no spots, and free of the content of bacteria and harmful compounds such as benzene and styrene (raw materials styrofoam), and will not translucent oil. In terms of the environment is also environmentally friendly because it is made from natural fibers are biodegradable. The use of food packaging food-grade paper is rarely used because it is more expensive.

Therefore, the public must be more vigilant when buying food products which still uses recycled paper and switch to using safe food packaging  that can guarantee the quality of food being for not damaged and maintain a healthy body. Because although safe paper is more expensive but healthier much more expensive.

The Outline
I.      Vigilant use of paper as a packaging food
II.    The simplest and oldest packaging is paper
a)      Paper food packaging has advantages
i.                    Lightweight
ii.                  relatively inexpensive
iii.                efficient place
b)      Weakness
i.                    easily torn
ii.                  burnt
iii.                can not pack liquid
iv.                 can not be heated
III.  Paper for wrapping food
a)      The types of packaging paper circulating in Indonesia
i.                    waste paper
ii.                  wrappers paper rice brown colour
iii.                carton duplexas
iv.                 carton food grade
IV. Danger use of paper non food packaging
a)      Waste paper including newspapers and magazines
i.                    contain lead (Pb)
ii.                  risk of harm to health
V.   Lead in the human body
a)      lead entering through the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal into the circulatory system and spread to other tissues
i.                    kidney
ii.                  liver
iii.                brain
iv.                 nerves
v.                   bones
b)      danger posed of lead (Pb) to the health
i.                    cardiovascular diseases related to heart and blood vessels
ii.                  mentally retarded
iii.                anemia
iv.                 decreased kidney function
VI. Poisoning of lead (Pb)  is characterized by symptoms 3 P
a)      pallor, pain and paralysis
b)      Examples of cases of poisoning Pb (lead)
i.                    women who accumulate a lot of lead, can lead to congenital defects in the fetus and damage the brain so that the child's intelligence is low.
ii.                  In the adult male,  induce to lower sperm quality, making it difficult to have offspring (barren).
iii.                In children, lead resulted in a decrease in the concentration of power and intelligence
VII.    Migration trigger  will easier the migration of lead to food
a)      Hot Materials
b)      Greasy
c)      Type of foodstuffs
d)      Concentration
e)      Contact Time
f)       Surface Area
VIII.  Type of food packaging primer made of paper  most commonly used as packaging that has been contaminated
a)      the wrappers paper rice brown colour and carton duplex
i.                    contains are printing inks
ii.                  adhesives
iii.                waxes
iv.                 dyes
v.                   chemicals other.
IX.  The use of waste paper, wrappers paper rice brown colour and carton duplex  is more widely used
a)      they were cheaper and the lack of knowledge and awareness of side effects will happen
b)      method to minimize the danger of the use of paper for packaging food
i.                    using a plate or a clean glass bowl
X.    Food of packaging  of safe is a carton paper-based "food grade"
a)      100 percent made of natural fibers so that the pure white color
b)      no spots
c)      free of the content of bacteria and harmful compounds such as benzene and styrene (raw materials styrofoam)
d)      will not translucent oil
e)      environmentally friendly
f)       more expensive
XI.  Therefore, the public must be more vigilant when buying food products which still uses recycled paper
a)      Because although safe paper is more expensive but healthier much more expensive



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